On 1st February 2024, the BAPS Pramukh Academy inaugurated “GPSC Centre” at Atladara, Vadodara. This center, inspired by the visionary guidance of Guruhari Mahant Swami Maharaj, is dedicated to nurturing the BAPS Satsangi youth who are preparing for GPSC Class 1-2 exams. The initiative is part of the Academy’s broader mission to empower the youth with the knowledge and values needed to serve society with excellence and integrity.

The inauguration ceremony was graced by the presence of esteemed saints, including Pu. Yagnapriya Swami (Head of Pramukh Academy Margdarshak Samiti), Pu. Rajeswar Swami (Mahant, Atladara BAPS Mandir), Pu. Bhagyasetu Swami (Kothari Sant, Atladara BAPS Mandir & PA Margdarshak Samiti Sant), and Pu. Gnanvijay Swami and Pu. Achalmuni Swami (Pramukh Academy Sanchalak Santo), along with other revered saints from the Atladara Mandir. Distinguished guests included Shri Parimal Vyas (Retired IAS Officer), Shri Dilip Rana (Municipal Commissioner of Vadodara), Shri Mayur Parmar (Deputy Collector of Vadodara), Shri Parimal Pandya (Director of Higher Education), as well as BAPS Trustees and Senior Haribhakto.

During the inauguration assembly, all dignitaries mentioned in their speeches that the BAPS Pramukh Academy has taken a commendable initiative with its ideal vision of creating value-based officers. They emphasized that the Academy’s focus on both academic excellence and the cultivation of strong moral values is crucial for producing well-rounded individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also guided by a sense of purpose and responsibility towards society.
Shri Parimal Pandya, the Director of Higher Education, delivered a keynote address, sharing his insights and experiences from his tenure in the public sector. He highlighted the importance of ethical conduct and practical wisdom in public service, inspiring the students to aspire to careers that make a positive impact on the nation. In his speech, Shri Parimal Pandya also mentioned that the campus is equipped with comprehensive academic facilities, including a 24/7 library, smart classrooms, dedicated mentors, and all essential residential amenities, providing an ideal environment for students to excel in their studies and personal development.

The ceremony concluded with a heartfelt blessing from Pu. Yagnapriya Swami, who expressed his best wishes for all GPSC aspirants, encouraging them to strive for excellence in their endeavors. He reiterated the Academy’s commitment to supporting the youth in their journey towards success, not just in their exams but in life as a whole.