The BAPS Pramukh Academy, located in Atladara, Vadodara, provides Guidance for competitive exams like UPSC and GPSC. Pramukh Academy organized a four-day Pramukh Vision Conference 2.0 from May 12, 2024, to May 15, 2024, at the Gondal Gurukul. This event was aimed at Satsangi students who aspire to build their careers in civil services. Approximately 800 talented Satsangi students from schools and colleges across Gujarat and other states attended this conference. Here is the report of the conference.

The inauguration ceremony of Pramukh Vision Conference 2.0 was attended by 1900 individuals, including students and parents. The conference was inaugurated by lighting a lamp by revered Kothari Sant of Akshar Mandir Gondal – Pujya Divyapurush Swami, Pujya Nirbhay Jivan Swami, Aaruni Bhagat, the Sanchalak Sant of Pramukh Academy Pujya Gnanvijay Swami and Pujya Achalmuni Swami, and the distinguished guest DIG Shri Jaypal Singh Rathod. The conference spanned four days, featuring over 15 expert faculty members, more than 25 academic sessions, and over 15 brainstorming activities.

On the first day, Pujya Apurvamuni Swami addressed the parents virtually, emphasizing the slogan ‘Pramukh Vision My Mission’ and stressed that UPSC is an excellent career path for serving the nation with integrity and values. He also inspired parents to support their brilliant children in becoming civil servants like collectors and IPS officers through his motivational words. A unique feature of the conference was the separate sessions arranged for school and college students.

An honor march was held in the sacred premises of Gondal Gurukul to honor the 800 participating students. This march included Thakorji, saints, guests, faculty, the youth group of Gondal, students, parents, and staff members. The determination and readiness to serve the nation as envisioned by Pramukh Swami Maharaj were evident on everyone’s faces during the honor march.

On the first day, guest faculties like Shri Vismay Solanki and Shri Yogesh Tripathi guided school and college students. The enthusiasm and active participation of BAPS’s talented students in learning new things, asking questions, and engaging in every program were truly impressive.

On the second day, renowned UPSC faculty and experts such as Shri Abhishek Jain Sir, Shri Bharatbhai Mavadiya, Shri Shaileshbhai Sagpariya, Shri Pavan Dwivedi, and Shri Vijaybhai Vyas conducted various sessions. They guided college students on the importance of newspapers and advised school students on how to approach reading books. There were also sessions on language skills and communication skills. A mock parliament debate on the National Education Policy was organized for the students.

On the third day, BAPS’s satsangi and IPS officer ShriHemant KalalSir provided special guidance on the necessity of satsang in service, adherence to rules, and the importance of time management in studies. Shri Bhavin Desai explained digital discipline regarding the wise use of mobile phones that can hinder high aspirations. In the evening session of the third day, revered Sadguru Pujya Doctor Swami blessed the students. Pujya Gnanvijay Swami from Pramukh Academy explained through beautiful anecdotes how to cultivate Pramukhness to become exemplary officers in the future, as envisioned by Pramukh  Swami Maharaj.

 The final day of the conference began with a grand mahapuja at Akshar Deri. About 800 students participated in the mahapuja and group photo session in the grounds of Akshar Mandir, Gondal. In the concluding session, Pujya Yagnapriya Swami, the chief saint of the guiding committee of Pramukh Academy, provided profound guidance and blessings on the foundational aspects necessary for firm determination towards their goals.